Rolling it out in 2021 — Remote scaling is the way to go?

Arriving at the final stages of 2021, we glance back now for a quick nod and a smile. We can only guess what a wild ride this must have been for you all, everyone involved in IT. Ours certainly has been interesting, to say the least. For starters, we’ve grown and scaled so much that we never imagined a year before. So, let’s take a look at where we are, what happened last year, and hopefully, we can draw some interesting conclusions about what’s going on in IT globally. Let’s pour some red, raise the glass, and proceed together, shall we?
Agile Estimation Techniques in Software Project Management

Project management has existed from times immemorial, from building the great wall of China to the Egyptian pyramids and the invention of the printing press or the advent of the internet. People have executed both large-scale and small-scale projects for a long time.